Tag Archives: exercise equipment

Like to use Personal Technology for Fitness?

From Joe:  The New York Times talks about Illustrating Your Life in Graphs and Charts - For Fitness and Many Other Purposes:

 That idea led him to co-found Daytum.com, which makes software to help people tabulate whatever they do and turn it into a chart — a visual depiction of everything from blood sugar levels to how much beer they drink. Mr. Felton said he had even seen a woman use the service to track her irrational fears.

At Lifehacker, readers are asked to share thoughts about whether technology helps you exercise:

Gadgets, apps and other good stuff

From Eileen:  Nothing gets me motivated more than a new exercise gadget. I hate to say it, but I love buying exercise stuff and, for some reason, this really works for me.

 Many years ago, I spent a lot of money on a treadmill and was worried sick that it would become a $2,600 dusty clothing rack. So I decided I would have to use it 1,300 times (at $2 per run) to make it worth my while. I kept track and, after about six years, I made it! I actually kept tabs on the number of times I hopped on board (a bit compulsive, I realize), but it really helped me keep going. And for $2 per use, it was worth it even if it eventually becomes a clothing rack. That’s my logic, anyway.

The only exercise equipment you’ll ever need

From Joe: What equipment is absolutely indispensable to you when starting a new diet or fitness regimen? Do you need free weights? Special apps for the phone so you can count calories? A heart rate monitor? A treadmill? Elaborate progressive resistance machines? Or, that perennial favorite, a fancy new set of gym clothes?

 All that stuff is nice. But indispensable? Maybe not.

 For most of my adult life, I’ve spent 7 to 10 hours a week in gyms. All kinds of training fads and equipment fetishes came and went. Throughout it all, one apparatus remained perpetually useful.