Tag Archives: boot camp

Boot Camp is a Knockout

From Cathi: Well, we had our first Boot Camp this morning at 7 a.m., or the Crack ‘o Dawn as I like to call it. Though I’ve been terrified about it for weeks, boy oh boy, was it fun!

Punching things was the order of the day. What’s not to love?

I’d never strapped on a pair of boxing gloves before, which was probably evident by the fact I had a heck of a time un-strapping them after every rotation of activities. I’m sure there’s a secret to using Velcro when you’ve only got one opposable thing and a big stuffed, blob of fingers, but I haven’t figured it out.

Mirror, mirror on the wall. Is that me?

From Gerry:  When you look in the mirror, who do you see?

For most of my life, the answer to that question was no one … because my eyes were closed. It’s a great coping mechanism for someone like me who can only see flaws. I’d include a list of those flaws here but it’s long and depressing. Besides, I’m guessing many of you have a list of your own and don’t need to hear mine.