Tag Archives: yoga

Zumba and yoga on the road

Walking is a great way to burn off calories while in San Francisco, but it's not the only way.

From Eileen:  We all know how easy it is to fall off the exercise wagon when you are on the road. A trip to San Francisco last week reminded me how hard it is to keep motivated when you are off your regular routine.

 San Francisco is a great walking city and there are plenty of hills to get your cardio in, but  there also are any number of places to pack in the calories!

Move the yoga mat for a new perspective


Go ahead. Move your yoga mat or change your spin bike! Getting out of a rut is good for you.

 From Eileen: We’re having squabbles in my spin class lately. The Fitness Center changed the room, as well as the configuration of the bikes, and that has put everyone in a real tizzy.  The room is too hot. It’s too cold. The sound system is too loud. The bikes are too close. The complaining is near record proportions.