“It’s Only a Number”

From Dee: I look back at the last 10 weeks and I am very thankful to The Daily Herald and Push Fitness. Last Monday’s column in the Daily Herald dealt with us thanking special people. Let me introduce you to someone that wasn’t listed in  the newspaper: Angeline Pearson, Encore Dept. Manager at Nordstrom at Woodfield. I went to Nordstrom’s looking for a dress for my stepdaughter’s wedding. At 30 pounds thinner, I thought that  had made THE transition from womens to the misses section. I hadn’t been in the misses section in over 20 years and so eagerly looked forward to shopping “in the normal size” area of the store. When I discovered that the largest size in the misses section was a 14 that I couldn’t get into, I slowly went up the escalator with tears in my eyes. When I arrived at the womens section, I was met by Angeline,  Angie as everyone calls her,  looked at my eyes and said “what’s wrong”   I explained that I was in a contest, had lost 30 pounds and thought for sure that I would be shopping in the misses section. She so patiently listened to my story and said “it’s only a number, be so proud of the weight that you have lost. The number sizing in the garment industry has changed dramatically, so be proud, it’s only a number.” She made me aware of the progress that I have achieved, how healthy I have become and most of all, when it comes to sizing, it’s only a number!!!! Thank you Angie, for teaching me the true beauty of this contest.

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