Failure is not an option

From Gerry: When the Fittest Loser Challenge ended six weeks ago, I was scared. What if it was the end? Not just the end of the competition but the end of the my weight-loss road. For the first time in my life I had legitimately lost weight … no gimmicks, no crazy starvation plan. I finally found something that worked. Why quit? Good question. So, I didn’t. I signed up for six months of training with Tony, I kept right on eating the same foods and continued to follow the same workout regimen.

How’s it going? Not bad. Six weeks ago, I finished the challenge weighing 152 pounds. As of this morning I’m at 143 … 45 pounds lost! Hopefully never to be found again!


One Response to Failure is not an option

  1. Wowee Zowee! Gerry, so happy for you – congratulations, you hottie! I bet you look even more marvelous! Looking forward to a “Reunion” soon! Congratulations! Jayne