Linsanity? I think not

From Mike:  The only thing insane going on last night was the way Derrick Rose scored with every step I took on the treadmill. We were a perfect team. I was keeping the pace and he was doing the scoring.  It really worked out well when I was at a full sprint and passed the ball to a cutting Derrick Rose for him to slam it home. I played more minutes than him last night. I opted to play through the timeouts and commercials. We worked hard and are looking for a repeat performance Wednesday.

 My wife wouldn’t let me watch the game last night, so I went the gym to watch it. Headphones in ears, buckets of sweat poring off me, all while watching my beloved Bulls.

One Response to Linsanity? I think not

  1. Clearly there is genius behind my being cruel! Proud of you babe :)