Tag Archives: Eileen

The workplace is making us unfit

Sitting behind a desk is making us fat. Try a walking meeting when you can.

From Eileen:  Working is not good for your waistline. Or should we say sitting at a desk for eight hours a day and only getting up to wander over to the candy dish is definitely not good for your waistline and your overall fitness level?

In a study of the American workplace, a group of researchers found that 80 percent of jobs are sedentary or require or light activity, which is way down from 1960 when 50 percent of the jobs in the workforce required some sort of moderate activity.

No more excuses. Start exercising right now!

What's the secret to exercising every single day for six years? Just do it!

From Eileen: In a little more than a week, I will be coming up on my six-year anniversary of exercising every single day. I know! I can’t believe it myself.

 And while I sometimes joke that given the work I have put into this, I should look a lot better than I do, I have to say I have never felt better.  I wish I had started this whole crazy thing 30 years ago!