Fight rising gas costs! Ride your bike

From Eileen: On the way to work this morning, I almost drove off the side of the road. Gas at $4.09 per gallon!  Boy, I knew it was going up, but there’s something about that $4 mark that makes it completely outrageous.

 Outrageous enough to do something about it? Outrageous enough to get me to stop driving everywhere?

 As the weather starts to get nicer, I am always gung-ho about getting outside in the fresh air .  I love to take walks in the nature center or take my bike for a spin in the forest preserve near my house. There’s something about being outside that really clears my head.

 But bike or walk to the grocery store or the bank or the dry cleaner? Why is that so hard? Obviously, I’m not talking about doing a week’s worth of shopping, but there are plenty of times, I could strap the backpack on and get a few items. (It would have the added benefit of making sure I didn’t buy anything not on the list!) I certainly could walk to the drug store to pick up a prescription or to the bank to make a deposit. Heck, I could even walk to the gym!

 A few posts back, Joe talked about dieting as a moral and/or political act. What about walking or biking as a political act? (If you’re interested in that concept, there’s a really great book called “Pedaling Revolution” by Jeff Mapes that talks about the new urban bike movement).

 Whether you decide to walk or bike, let’s get out there in the fresh air. It’s good for the environment. It’s good for the wallet. And it’s good for your overall physical and mental. It’s a win, win, win!

One Response to Fight rising gas costs! Ride your bike

  1. I never thought of it that way, well put!