Talk of the finale!

From Karen:  I have been getting emails talking about the finale! I thought when I committed to this adventure, it was ending May 2013! Was this not a year long journey? I am not at all happy about this adventure being over. This is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life but its has been my “routine” and I do admit I kinda have enjoyed every moment of this “Me” time I have made for myself. The entire food thing is a challenge, the workouts are CRAZY but I amaze myself at what I am able to do. Tony has grown on me and has helped me prove to myself I can do many things I NEVER thought I would be able to do, and that I am worth every moment that I invest in ME! Just under 4 weeks to go and I am fighting to the end to reach my self made personal goal! I KNOW I will do it!

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