Boot Camp is a Knockout

From Cathi: Well, we had our first Boot Camp this morning at 7 a.m., or the Crack ‘o Dawn as I like to call it. Though I’ve been terrified about it for weeks, boy oh boy, was it fun!

Punching things was the order of the day. What’s not to love?

I’d never strapped on a pair of boxing gloves before, which was probably evident by the fact I had a heck of a time un-strapping them after every rotation of activities. I’m sure there’s a secret to using Velcro when you’ve only got one opposable thing and a big stuffed, blob of fingers, but I haven’t figured it out.

First we “sparred” with our partner. Then we switched and the aforementioned partner got the chance to hit us back. You know what they say about payback…

Our  Trainer du Jour, Tony,  then switched it up and had us add knee lifts into the pads along with the hitting. Challenging, for sure, but heck it was fun.

Just when we had mastered that challenge, he ratcheted it up a notch and added squats.  Squats, I tell you!

Here’s how that works: squat onto a bench, stand, punch punch, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat…. For. Three. Minutes.

There are no sissies in this bunch, I tell you. We all gave it everything we had while still leaving plenty of room for improvement.

What will Tony have planned for next week is one question that came to mind afterward. The other?

Will any of us will be able to move tomorrow?

One Response to Boot Camp is a Knockout

  1. Great job, Cath! Cheering for you!

    (Team Cathi)