The importance of support systems

From Kristen: I so agree with John’s post below on the importance of support systems. If I didn’t have my husband, friends and family to cheer me on, I don’t think I could do this. This week, for instance, my friend hosted a girls’ day at her house, and we all brought pictures over to scrapbook. Typically, we’d have pizza and chips to snack on, but she was so sweet and made sure every snack was something I could eat, and offered to prepare me something special in addition. Love her!

Then, the owner of our favorite restaurant (Riccardo’s in Schaumburg), where we had one of our first dates and our rehearsal dinner, saw me in the paper and sent me a message via Facebook. Her husband, the chef and co-owner, will prepare me a very healthy meal at no charge. How sweet is that? I’d been disappointed that I couldn’t take my husband there for his birthday in March, and now I’ll be able to! They are the best people, and I’m so happy we can still go to “our” place.

There have certainly been trials this week–it’s not so easy ordering a salad at Portillo’s when you’re surronded by the aroma of french fries and ribs (and that heavenly chocolate cake!)–but I was able to overcome them. And I fit in a size smaller jeans this weekend–that feeling can’t be beat! Looking forward to seeing where the next eight weeks take all of us!

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