The difference between men and women

From Eileen:  Whenever it’s a choice between weights and cardio, I will always choose the cardio. Even though I know I can get my heart rate up when I do weights (and, therefore, kill two birds with one stone, so to speak), I will always go cardio. It appears it’s a “girl” thing.  There’s a great article in the Washington Post about studies that are being done by the folks at Weight Watchers that show women go for dieting and cardio … and men hit the weight room. Is that true for you, as well?

One Response to The difference between men and women

  1. It used to be very true for me (and still is, when I’m not with my trainer and feel initimidated). But I much prefer my weight training days to my cardio days now! You get to change things up during the workout, whereas 45 straight minutes of the same cardio exercise is so boring! I also feel a bigger difference physically after weights. That said, cardio classes are a lot of fun. A few of us Fittest Losers are trying hip hop on Saturday!