Monthly Archives: March 2011

The difference between men and women

From Eileen:  Whenever it’s a choice between weights and cardio, I will always choose the cardio. Even though I know I can get my heart rate up when I do weights (and, therefore, kill two birds with one stone, so to speak), I will always go cardio. It appears it’s a “girl” thing.  There’s a great article in the Washington Post about studies that are being done by the folks at Weight Watchers that show women go for dieting and cardio … and men hit the weight room. Is that true for you, as well?

Shake things up

From Eileen:  OK, so I’ve never had to run up eight flights of stairs with a 20-pound vest on like Gerry did (way to go, trainer Tony!) but I have done a number of crazy things in the name of fitness.  Basically, I get bored pretty easily and trying out new classes and activities is a way to keep me interested and motivated. My most crazy endeavor? Well, I took a circus class once. Believe me, holding on to a trapeze 15 feet off the ground requires a lot of core! What do you do to keep your fitness routine fresh?

Food labels like a job interview?

From Josh (Bob’s trainer):  Reading the food label on foods before you buy them is like interviewing potential employees before deciding to hire them. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Why should I choose you over all the other candidates? A food label should be designed to tell you all of the above. But you have to know how to read it.  Read the rest of Josh’s article:

What color are you?

From Eileen: A favorite fitness book of mine is called “The 8 Colors of Fitness.” Written by Suzanne Brue, the book helps you match your  personality type with your fitness program. For example, I’m considered a “silver,” which means I need lots of variety … which explains my forays into kick boxing, belly dancing, circus fitness and  Nordic walking.  Check out this quiz  to see what activities fit your type. I’d be interested, all you Fittest Losers, to see what colors you are!

From the other side

From Eileen:  Go to and check out what the trainers have to say about how the Fittest Losers are doing. Which contestant is “like a solder”? It’s not who you think it is.  Or maybe it is!

Boxing with Bob

From Gerry: At boot camp today we were paired up for sparring and Tony put Bob and me together. Basically, one person wears pads on their hands and the other, boxing gloves. As I was punching, Bob was encouraging me to hit harder, go faster, breathe, stay standing. He was great. We switch places and it’s Bob’s turn to punch. Oh, goodness! He has a mean right. Of course he does, he’s a right-handed painter who uses that arm for sanding and rolling. In order to encourage him, I started with “hit harder”. And he did. That hurt. So I tried, “faster”. And he did … harder and faster. Then I told him to start working his weak left. That advice was all about me. 

Progress pictures

From Kristen: I posted some progress pictures on my blog today:

I don’t see a difference in the front views, but the side views have changed a lot for a relatively small amount of weight loss! It gives me the encouragement to keep going!

My new favorite tracking device

From Eileen: Weight loss and getting your finances in order have something in common. You have to keep track of your activity — be it exercise, eating or spending money — in order to control it.  My new favorite way to keep track of my calories (both consumed and burned) is a website called It’s extremely easy to use and, best of all, it’s free.